Beauty Essentials: The Ultimate Picks for Non-Toxic Makeup

Embarking on a journey to flawless non-toxic beauty goes beyond the brush strokes and color palettes—it’s a commitment to self-care that extends to the very ingredients we embrace. In a world where the choices we make impact not only our aesthetics but also our overall well-being, the decision to choose clean, non-toxic makeup stands as a pivotal step towards a…
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Elevate Your Learning: The Ultimate Trio of Study Habits for Academic Triumph

I’ve decided to go back to school—sort of. As children start their new school year, a sense of nostalgia always emerges as parents stress about getting their children all situated for the upcoming academic year. I remember my school days and realize how little I remember what was taught. The truth was, I was never given the right tools how…
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3 Things to do for the Month of September

Perhaps it’s the nostalgia of childhood, beginning of the new school year, and the excitement that came with it. September gives a sense of fresh beginnings. As we transition into a new season, here are 3 things to do in September and make your month more memorable. 1. Visit Your Local Farmer’s Market I’m blessed to have a handful of…
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1 Pair of Shoes Styled 4 Ways

Can I take a moment to express my love for Sarah Flint Shoes? Besides the fact that these shoes are simply works of art, the company’s primary goal is for women to walk in comfort without sacrificing femininity. They have high standards for quality in production as well as material. Indeed, artisan shoes. “Walk like a woman.” Sarah Flint It’s how much?…
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Hello Autumn! P.S. I Love You

I will always have a memorable love affair with this season. The change of color, the crisp and clean aroma that comes with the gentle breeze. The smell of spices and burnt leaves. Jazz, jazz, and more jazz. Even the sun casts a different light during this time. It’s as if the earth decided to woo us visually. If I…
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